Columbia Kermit
000257_news@newsmaster….columbia.edu _Sat May 31 14:24:05 1997.msg
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From: fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu (Frank da Cruz)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: x86 solaris and modem speed
Date: 31 May 1997 18:24:01 GMT
Organization: Columbia University
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In article <5mokcc$f6n$1@news1.rmi.net>, Blanche Cohen <blanche@rmi.net> wrote:
: Version C-Kermit 6.0.192, for Solaris 2.5.1 x86 - pretty slick!
: Considering that making PPP work on this thing is a nightmare,
: Kermit has definitely become a life saver!
: However, a modem speed problem. I have a Hayes accura 288B, which
: I assume translates to "hayes-high-speed" ...
: .. and then set the speed to 115200, since the default is 9600.
: Everything on my side looks good. But when I connect and attempt to
: download a file, the connection speed is 9600!
So that means the two modems have negotiated a V.32 connection. It was
the best they could agree on, either because that is the highest protocol
supported by the remote modem, or the highest protocol the two modems had
in common, or because the line quality was bad. Or because your modem or
the other modem has been instructed to force a V.32 connection (C-Kermit
does not do this).
: Is this a problem on the other side
: (which is only running 5.0) or something I can change?
It has nothing to do with Kermit. Kermit configures the modem minimally
in order to make the call. The init string used is:
^^ ^^^^^
N1 means "When originating, permit negotiation of a common communication
standard at the highest associated line speed supported by both modems.
Begin negotiations from the DCE line speed specified in S37..."
And S37=0 means "Speed of last AT command issued", in your case 115200.
So it seems almost certain that the dropdown in DCE speed is due to the
answering modem, or to the connection, but not due to C-Kermit or how you
are using it.
: Makes downloading 3 MB files rather time consuming, even when I change
: the packet length to 1024 instead of the default 90.
You can do a lot better than this. Read about how to optmize file transfer in
Chapter 12 of "Using C-Kermit", 2nd edition:
- Frank